Giant Spider Dog Discovered Living in the City

A newly discovered mutant spider dog has been discovered roaming the city streets and terrorizing innocent passers-by  Recent video footage has emerged in the last few days clearly showing this monstrous beast.

Check out the video below  and be amazed.



Seriously though! How scary is that? Obviously this is a prank that’s making the rounds of the internet. With over 140 million views over on YouTube it shows that you don;t need a big budget to make a scary movie.

While it may not be the best idea to go around scaring the bejeezus out of total strangers in dark alleys you’ve got to admit that was a realistic looking outfit.

Homer Simpson had his spider pig so why can’t you have your own spider dog?

The spider costume looks awesome and while it appears homemade you can always pick up something similar over at Amazon if you don’t feel like making your own.

spider dog costume

get your own spider dog costume (great for Halloween)

If you’re interested in sprucing up your pooch’s appearance and having a little fun then check out some of these great pet costumes.