Who couldn’t love those wrinkles. The imposing Mastiff is another large and powerful short haired breed. The muscular body and wrinkled forehead hints at a history of fighting but these modern day warriors at more at home on your living room floor than in the bull pen.
A Mastiff is considered a dignified and good-natured dog that has shed the violent ancient past that they were originally bred for. Nowadays they are more well known for eating you out of house and home and drooling on everything in sight.
These are not the most active of breeds but they do like long walks.
Like the American Stafford Terrier it’s important that they get adequate training early on in life and shown how to socialize but they are a tolerant breed and make great guardians for your kids.
Although a fully grown adult can outweigh most men they remain gentle beasts that appear to sense that children are fragile, treating them as puppies instead. That’s not to say that a swing of their ever-wagging tail won’t accidentally knock a small child over.
On average a Mastiff will live up to 10 years.